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This is not an obvious connection, but it is not impossible to make either: Jodorowsky writes, “The Chariot enters the world like a conqueror, a traveler, or an inseminating prince.” In the Pierre Madenié, the Popess’s book has sixteen lines, referring us to La Maison Dieu , which might be interpreted as representing the traumatic experience of birth. We could apply the same line of associative thinking if one of the TdMs featured a book with twelve lines: Le Pendu , hangs upside down, like a fetus preparing to be born. If a book had twenty one lines, we would no doubt see the world dancer in his/her vulvic wreath; and if it had twenty lines, that might signal a birth into an eternal life, from the womb of the tomb into an incorruptible spiritual existence. We are able to devise an endless number of permutations, for our capacity for cleverness is boundless. In Francois Tourcaty’s 1745 TdM, the book has fifteen lines, a number that corresponds to the 15th arcanum, Le Diable . Left: La Papesse from the 1650 Jean Noblet deck currently preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale à Paris; Center: La Papesse from the Pierre Madenié 1709 restitution deck by Yves Reynaud; Right: 1745 Francois Tourcaty currently preserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale à Paris “The open book is flesh-colored to show that it represents the evolution of life on the physical plain, not only in all its modalities, but also as heredity and as a continuance of the species.” This comes from Paul Marteau’s commentary, which has only recently become available in the English language thanks to the efforts of Kitos Digiovanni in his blog https://smallcabin.org. “The book she holds,” Jodorowsky declares, “destines her to study and knowledge. Flesh-colored, it tells us that she is studying the laws of human incarnation. Because she is not reading it, it gives us reason to think that this open volume is nothing other than herself, waiting for someone to come to decipher it, to awaken her. It also refers to the Holy Scriptures: The High Priestess collects the language of God the Father, the living language.” Jean-Claude Flornoy, in Seeing the World: Tarot Signposts on the Path to Perception , writes, “The open book she holds on her knees is the great book of the knowledge of vitality and of nature.” The book in all the historical cards I am familiar with is flesh-colored, until we come to Rochus Schär, 1750, when the pages appear more white. Shortly thereafter, Nicolas Conver decided to make the pages gold, an innovation of his that did not catch on, though J. H. Arnoux and A. E. Amphoux (1801) did retain the gold color for the outer edges of the flesh-colored pages. Gazeteci Ahmet Hakan'ın sunduğu Tarafsız Bölge programı, casino bu akşam ekranlara gelecek.
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