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How did electricity impact the world? 3win2u singapore casino This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. The current pace of the game worries me a lot, it looks like they might streeeeeeeeetch the story and add filler patches JUST like genshin, the event is so so bad it's just one character quest (SW) and museum simulator ? What the fuck ? I'm playing a TURN BASED game I'm not playing genshin am I ? Why are they asking me to go and gather 50 pieces of somethign as if I was playing an exploration game like genshin ? Worst thing is they didn't even bother adding any new area it's just one museum and that's it. I'm sorry but, if I wanted that wouldn't I be playing genshin ? Why aren't they adding what people are playing this game for : the turn based combat ? Just release content for us to use our characters ? We can't even properly explore the world like genshin or stuff, I rolled for Silver Wolf but I couldn't even use her I just oneshot everything (I'm a F2P player) where is the content where I'm warranted to think a bit for myself and have some fun ? If I wanted anything else I'd go play genshin. I was really hopeful and wanted to believe that Mihoyo would make this actually fun to combat but this isn't the case so far. Please don't tell me to be ”patient”, will you guys be happy when in 360 day they'll only be releasing one new planet with 1 main story quest every 2 patch? Don't even get me started on how slowly characters are releasing especially for a new gacha, we barely have one new 4* every patch with two new 5* when we should be getting at the minimum 3 new 4* every patch. We should get a new planet to visit and explore every 3/4 patch with main story quest every new patch and new area to go with it every new patch and actually have a nice pace. Well I know full well people are going to be full on copium, hopium but this isn't a good look and this will quickly turn into genshin real fast. 2023.06.11 11:52 Straight-Document762 How do you pamper your mom when she's hurt or sad? When we used to get hurt by our friends, our moms used to impart us wisdom by explaining us how cruel the world can be sometimes. When they get hurt by their friends or maternal family, how do you think can we help them not take it too personally especially when they are growing older? I know she should not expect anything from others but sometimes it's undeniable and moms can be too emotional to think logically. If we were in their place, I'm sure they would have said the same to us. But how to tackle when the roles reverse? 2023.06.11 11:51 lene8823 Experience of increasing dose? Hi everyone, I’d like to know what your experience was of increasing your dose of Zoloft? I’ve been taking 50mg for 7 weeks and I’m still experiencing anxiety, so I’ve been recommended to up the dose. But I’m so scared!! It’s been hell adjusting to the medication and the side effects, but they have lessened now. Casino Blogcu C.
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