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Bu sırada Feth Ali Şah’ın oğlu Abbas Mirza kumandasındaki bir İran ordusunun erkek Rus hâkimiyetinde kalmış olan halkın desteğine güvenerek Kuzey Azerbaycan’a girmesi üzerine Ruslar İran ordusunu yenerek Tebriz’i ele geçirdiler. 1.539 faculty members and 1.176 administrative staff in the university are proud to provide a quality and modern educational setting for about 33.080 students. The University Senate consists of vice-rectors, deans, a faculty member from each faculty to be elected by the faculty boards for three years, and the directors of institutes and colleges affiliated to the rectorate, under the presidency of the Rector, according to Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547. The University Administrative Board consists of deans under the presidency of the Rector, and three professors to be elected by the Senate for four years to represent different education units and fields affiliated to the university, according to Article 15 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University campuses provide ample social and cultural opportunities for students. The Blue Hall with a capacity of 514 people and the Pink Hall with a capacity of 208 people in İzzet Baysal Cultural Center and the 350-person hall in the Morphology building of İzzet Baysal Medical Faculty throughout the year. …

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ed-Dürrü’l-muḫtâr , Hanefî mezhebindeki sahih görüşlere yer vermesi ve birçok fıkhî meseleyi muhtasar şekilde ihtiva etmesi sebebiyle rağbet görmüş, üzerine çeşitli hâşiyeler yazılmıştır. Bunların içinde en önemlileri İbn Âbidîn’in Reddü’l-muḥtâr ’ı ile (I-V, Bulak 1272, 1286; I-VIII, Kahire 1386) Tahtâvî’nin Ḥâşiye ʿale’d-Dürri’l-muḫtâr ’ıdır (Kalküta 1264; Kahire 1268, 1304; Bulak 1269, 1282). An Internal Affairs lcw erkek çorap agent becomes obsessed with bringing down a . Eserin diğer belli başlı hâşiyeleri de şunlardır: İbn Abdürrezzâk, Silkü’n-naḍḍâr (Dârü’l-kütübi’z-Zâhiriyye, nr. 6662); Halîl b. Muhammed el-Fettâl, Delâʾilü’l-esrâr (Dârü’l-kütübi’z-Zâhiriyye, nr. …

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