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Daha fazla »Minister Murat Kurum stated that the Zero Waste movement is of great importance in terms of reducing waste and preventing waste. We have to accelerate the construction of rainwater collection systems with the reuse of wastewater and solid waste. We have to quickly build our infrastructure to increase the use of renewable energy sources in new buildings and to improve green building certification and almost zero-energy building works.” Stating that it hopes that the 5-day Climate Council will serve Turkey's Green Development Revolution in the best way, the Institution stated that they will announce the goals they will reach through negotiations and meetings with the final declaration. Climate Council Hosted Many Panels. Another panel discussion under the heading ”Green Policy” focused on the role, contribution and importance of the parliamentary process in implementing climate change policies and the work of international organizations on green policy issues. UNDP Turkey Resident Representative Louisa Vinton and UNIDO Turkey Representative Süleyman Yılmaz were present at the session moderated by UN Resident Coordinator for Turkey Alvaro Rodriguez. ”Science and Technology”, ”Local Governments”, ”Adaptation to Climate Change”, ”Greenhouse Gas Reduction”, ”Green Financing and Carbon Pricing”, ”Migration Fair Transition and Other Social Policies” were discussed in all aspects of the commission meetings. …
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